Marxist Center seeks submissions, both written and multimedia, covering issues that merit discussion by communists. Of particular interest is material relevant to the task of analysing current events, reports of events, responses to published articles and contributing in other was to the building the party we need. To this end, we hope to expand our range of coverage to include not only intra-left debate but also polemics and exposés directed at our common foes, including not only the reactionary right but also, and perhaps especially, the “moderate” defenders of the system.
Send submissions to: editors[at]
The ideal piece will be between 500-3000 words, although longer or multiple-part pieces will be considered when the topic merits serious engagement. Articles should be written for as broad an audience as possible; if you must use jargon, explain and justify it. Footnotes with commentary or further links are encouraged.
While we are willing to republish material published elsewhere, please indicate if your submission has been previously published. We give preference to original submissions and material that has otherwise not been widely distributed or discussed. Please include a short author bio of no more than a few sentences, disclosing any relevant affiliations.
In keeping with our goal of fostering discussion and debate, we encourage Marxist Center authors to participate in the comments sections of their articles, responding to critiques and answering questions.
Commenting Policy
Vigorous debate is key to the Marxist Center project. To that end, we moderate the comments that appear on the site. Our rules are as follows:
- Do not repost comments, which may be delayed as they are approved.
- Stay on topic.
- Engage substantively. No one-liners or snarkiness for its own sake.
- Back up your arguments with credible evidence.
- Do not post ad hominem attacks, threats, slurs, slander, abuse, or spam. Racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia will not be tolerated.
Commenting privileges may be revoked for users who persistently break these rules. Marxist Center reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.
This page was based on similar policy over at The North Star. We kindly used their policy as a template.